First of all, here is wishing all members and their families and businesses all the very best for an exciting and prosperous New Year 2025! May the work of the past years bear some rich fruit for all of us!
I would like to share a few words, looking back to what we have achieved so far and casting our gaze forward into 2025.
SABPA Symposium
This was a great success! A very full day, jam packed with excellent and highly valuable presentations. Feedback was positive throughout and there are calls that we should repeat this in the future. Maybe then with fewer presentations, allowing more time for breaks and networking. It also generated a small profit for SABPA.
Western Cape Chamber of Commerce
SABPA has joined the Western Cape Chamber of Commerce for networking opportunities and to see what other synergies there may be. We will be in closer contact during 2025. We will share with our membership when interesting and useful events or activities take place.
GRAS registration
Thomas Brendler, Board member for the Regulatory and Certification Portfolio, has been working on GRAS registration in the United States, collecting and collating data and information. We still lack some stability data, but we are working toward acquiring this. With a bit of good luck, we will have the first run ready for submission during April.
Reference Standards
One of the cornerstones of taking the Sceletium sector forward is the availability of reliable reference testing standards. Some of our members – Profs. Marietjie Stander and Paula Brown – have been working to isolate and purify some of the major alkaloids. This is a time-consuming and costly exercise and is only partially complete. However, some tangible results should be seen by the second quarter of 2025.
ABS compliance and benefit sharing agreement with the Traditional Knowledge (TK) Holder
We continue to be committed to ABS compliance. We will continue to engage with the Department of Forests Fisheries and the Environment’s Bioprospecting Team on this matter in 2025.
Public Private Dialogue in November
As a valued stakeholder in the Biotrade industry, SABPA was invited along with other representatives of industry, academia, government, TK holders etc. to share and uncover issues of common concern as well as ideas for future cooperations by the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ). Lack of trust remains an issue between the relevant parties involved in Biotrade, nevertheless we left the meeting feeling mildly positive that a base for a more trusting relationship between role-players has been created.
NEMBA working group and status of the bill
We continue to be engaged in the NEM:BA Bill review process. The review process is solidly under way, and it remains to be seen what can be achieved in terms of improving the regulations for all stakeholders through our interventions. We expect this to be quite a long journey over the next 5 years.
And now looking forward…
TK holder and industry dialogue
We have started to work on a dialogue between TK holders and industry. The intention here is to explore synergies and common goals around ABS between industry and TK holders – this would create a level of trust and should also ease the tensions during benefit sharing negotiations. This initiative is fully supported by GIZ, and we will also ensure the regulators are fully informed of this intention.
Upcoming Events
- We are exploring SABPA’s participation in the Natural and Organic Expo Conference platform (Cape Town, 29th – 31st March). We still need to finalise this and will share the outcome with our members.
- SABPA is participating in a USAID webinar entitled “Exporting botanical and herbal ingredients to the United States” on 18th February alongside various other organisations. As soon as the program is finalised, we will share this with our members.
- SABPA has been invited to attend and speak at the 23rd Annual International Conference on the Science of Botanicals (ICSB) and the 24th International Congress of the International Society of Ethnopharmacology (ISE) in Oxford, USA ( The Chairperson will deliver a lecture on “From Biopiracy to ABS compliant supply chains” at this prestigious event to raise awareness and get people to think about this important topic. It will be a good promotional and networking platform for SABPA.
- The Chairperson will also attend the Pan-African ABS Workshop in Senegal in early February. This is a GIZ sponsored event bringing regulators, TK holders, academia and industry from various regions in Africa together every three years.
- After a break last year, the 2nd African Biotrade Festival is planned for September, likely again taking place alongside the Natural & Organic Expo in Gauteng. No further details are known, and we will keep our members informed as and when more information is available.
Other important business
We are considering appointing a secretariat and have approached the consulting firm Kruger Swart and Associates (KSA) which has a wealth of experience in this regard, as they already are the secretariat for the South African Rooibos Council as well as the Buchu Association.
We intend to upgrade the constitution of SABPA to improve governance and transparency which will ease the transition into a Non-Profit Company (NPC) and enable us to attract more funding e.g. for research. This means that we will expect members to adhere to a Code of Practice and we will appoint external members to our Board to ensure that, amongst other aspects, finances are managed according to internal guidelines and are clearly seen as for the benefit of all members.
We are currently working on the draft document which will be shared for input and comment with the membership in due course. Changes to the constitution will need to be ratified by two thirds of our membership – therefore, we are counting on your active participation in this process!
Broadening the scope of SABPA
We will be reaching out regularly to entities in other sectors of the biodiversity economy to broaden our reach beyond Sceletium species. There is much work to be done yet to represent players e.g. in the Aloe, Pelargonium, general Biotrade sectors and we hope to attract more local and international members as we forge ahead in this regard.
So much for now! It has been a busy year, and another very busy year lies ahead! We hope and trust that we are adding value to our members with the activities described. An association must always reflect the needs and aspirations of its members. Therefore, here is a passionate call to all of you to comment, complain, contribute, suggest, submit your feedback and input. What are we lacking? What should we focus more on? What are your needs that are best addressed in a collective format through your association?
The Board is thoroughly looking forward to hearing from you!
All the best to All of you!